We're here to answer any questions you have

Frequently Asked Questions

Some therapists approach FCEs with trepidation. They worry that patients won't be entirely cooperative and dread the confrontation. They're also concerned about the length of the test and how they will fit it in with patient care. They've heard that writing the reports is difficult and time-consuming. They don't want to end up testifying in court if the test is involved in litigation. While these are legitimate concerns, ErgoScience has developed a testing system that makes them non-issues. Take a look at these FAQs and contact us if you have additional questions. We're happy to help.

Man Working on Industrial Machine

Who can perform an FCE?

Physical and occupational therapists are the best prepared academically to perform FCEs, and
in some states, they are the only clinicians who can provide them according to the state’s work
comp laws. However, ErgoScience has successfully trained PTAs, COTAs, exercise science
professionals, athletic trainers, and nurses to successfully perform FCEs. Before coming to
training, be aware of any limitations for performing FCEs in your state.

Does ErgoScience provide certification in FCEs?

Yes, in order to get certified, you must pass a written and a practical exam.

How long does it take to create a report with the ErgoScience FCE?

Once the FCE is complete, you will spend approximately 15 minutes completing the report
using our report-generating software

Does ErgoScience sell equipment for doing an FCE?

No, ErgoScience does not sell FCE equipment. We provide the specifications, and you can purchase equipment from the medical equipment vendor of your choice.  

How long does the typical FCE take to perform?

This depends on the number of different work-related tasks you test. You can tailor the test to
be a brief screen (20 -30 minutes) or a full 4–5-hour FCE.

Does ErgoScience have a method for detecting those who are not giving a full effort on an FCE?

Yes, you will learn how to recognize and objectively document self-limiting and inconsistent behavior.   The software’s AI algorithms assist with the scoring and provide wording in the report that has been time-tested for legal compliance. 

Are most workers’ compensation patients uncooperative with testing and treatment?

No, this is a sad misperception of this patient population. Most workers’ compensation patients cooperate with testing and give their full effort. For those who don’t, there’s a systematic, objective process for documenting and reporting those behaviors.  Our testing helps to minimize any confrontational issues. 

How is an impairment rating different from an FCE?

An FCE documents the patient’s ability to perform work-related functions. The impairment
rating involves measuring range of motion and following a set of scoring rules established by
the American Medical Association for creating a rating of the percent of impairment.  The FCE is used in both return to work and case closure.  Meanwhile, the Impairment Rating is primarily used for case closure and litigation settlement. 

How is the ErgoScience FCE different from other FCEs.?

The ErgoScience FCE is the only FCE that was developed through university-based research and
has evidence of the reliability and validity of the entire test published in the peer-reviewed
literature. This makes our test the most defensible FCE that you can use. 

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