Physical Abilities Testing Services

What Success Looks Like

Creating Safer, More Productive Workplaces.

With ErgoScience, pre-hire physical abilities testing is not just “one-and-done.” We are focused on outcomes that make a difference.

The purpose of a pre-hire physical abilities test is to help employers select people who are physically able to handle demanding jobs. The physical requirements usually involve a lot of lifting, carrying, and climbing. Pre-employment physical abilities tests are essential because hiring people who aren’t physically fit can lead to more workplace injuries.

In a compilation of our many case studies, we’ve proven our results.

PAT Outcome Studies
Average Decrease in WC Costs
0 %
Average Return-on-Investment

Match the Worker to the Work

Physical Abilities Testing

Pre-Hire Physical Abilities Testing (PAT), also known as Post Offer Employment Testing (POET testing), reveals the physical abilities of your job applicants.

On average, it decreases injuries and costs by 78%!

In addition, research shows that pre-hire PAT increases your employee retention by 20%!

Even if your fail rate is 15% (it’s rarely more than 10%), you’ll come out ahead by using PAT for selection!

We start by sending a job analyst to the work site to study the job’s physical demands. After, we create a report detailing these requirements and develop a physical abilities test based on the report. Then, we get the client’s approval before proceeding.

Typically, applicants might go through an online interview and be offered a job based on conditions like passing a drug test, background check, and physical abilities test.

And Physical Abilities Testing can be used for so much more than employee selection. It’s great for…

But if developed and applied incorrectly, PAT can land you in some legal hot water – hot water that’s just as expensive as your injuries. Defensible testing requires expertise.

Following the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and EEOC, we test potential hires based on the job requirements. If you need someone who can lift 50 pounds, the test wouldn’t test them to lift 100 lbs. Physical abilities testing must be relevant to the job to be defensible.

While our physical abilities testing aligns directly with job requirements, it can also predict if candidates can physically handle the job without risk of injury. ErgoScience tests are distinct because they are developed based on university research. Our tests have been validated to be accurate and reliable. This means if a candidate passes our test, they are likely fit for the job.

Employers can also protect themselves and employees with injury prevention strategies in the workplace. Ergonomic testing can also ease the strain on employees.

Another important document within the PAT process is the Medical Questionnaire. The applicant provides a relevant medical history. The primary purpose to ensure the applicant is safe for physical abilities testing.

It also serves as a baseline for comparison to a later injury. ErgoScience does not share medical information with the employer at the time of hire, so no hiring decisions are based on medical conditions.

Let’s say the applicant reports a previous injury, but passes the test and gets hired, and later re-injures the same body part. If the applicant files a claim, the employer has a right to the medical questionnaire completed during the pre-hire/post-offer PAT. Employers can compare what the applicant self-disclosed to their post-injury medical canvass information.

Hear from our clients

Here’s what one client had to say about the benefits of this pre-hire medical history:

Falsifying the pre-hire PAT medical questionnaire has led to, not only terminations, but our company winning an important court case. The claimant reported a highly disputed workplace injury. She went on to have a 7 -level cervical fusion. Our company had to set aside over $250K in reserves as we headed into court. Our smoking gun was the medical questionnaire that the claimant had falsified when being hired. She did not disclose a prior cervical fusion. This previous condition became apparent during a medical canvass, and the applicant’s own recorded statement to the insurance adjuster. Based on the fraudulent medical questionnaire, the Judge determined that she had lied in the application process and, therefore, in an 11-page decision, ruled in Leadec’s favor. The applicant walked away with nothing.”
black-haired cartoon woman
Vicki Yeazel
Leadec USA

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